I just started out my blogging career and I've already been missing in action for about two months or so. Please don't judge me......sigh. You know when you make loads of marvelous plans and things just seem to go anyway but the way you want em to? Well that's been the last two months for me. Things have gone left, right,upside down, all around 'cept in the direction I was pointing in. But yuh know what all I can do is be OK with it. All the content I had planned, though not released when I wanted it to be, will hopefully be coming soon enough.
So whats new with me you ask? Nothing really. I finished up a contract I was working on, so I'm currently unemployed and job hunting. I joined a new workout regime that even though it's kicking my butt I'm glad I did and overall I'm spending a lot more time with myself and my thoughts figuring out what's gonna make me happy for the next few years. 

In the last few weeks when my job was drawing to a close, loads of thoughts started to become more prominent in my mind. This job though not necessarily related to my field of study or as intellectually stimulating as I would like, just enforced for me, that a daily 9 to 5, in a career that I just didn't enjoy was not going to cut it for me for the next forty years of life. Especially at the rate that people are collapsing.
I just can't accept that adulting means you have to be unhappy. I know I'm a person with certain tastes and these tastes will require funding to keep my appetite satiated. So you mean to tell me to live a fruitful, comfortable life and to do the things you enjoy, you must do meaningless tasks that take up wayyyy too many hours of our life span? Nawwww I pretty much refuse. So right now I'm kinda on a path to prove that theory wrong. I don't know where to start or what exactly I'm looking for but yea..... I'll get there. Not saying I'll land the perfect job and be in the perfect situation immediately but here's to hoping that a few months of odd jobs leads to something great!!
So yea I really don't know where I was going with one.....It started out with me just wanting to say HI and that I'm ok! Here's to hoping that you reading this, whoever you are, are ok too and enjoying this life day by day. That's all we really have to do.
Peace, Love and Joy